Discover Life: by grace, in community, and with purpose
Worship and Groups Every Sunday at 10:30am
Grace City College meets Wednesdays at 7pm
What is a service at Grace City Like?
About 65 minutes of worship through song, prayer, and a message from the Bible. After the message, we observe Communion. Doing this each week reminds us of Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection on our behalf. At the end of service we share a few announcements about what’s going on in the life of the church and how you can get connected.
Leadership and Elders
Grace City believes in the shared leadership of the local church. While Christ is the head of the church, He entrusts men and women to care for the church and provide leadership to fulfill its mission. The plurality of leadership helps our church to practice wisdom and humility while following Christ’s direction for His church.
Our Mission
and Vision
Who we are and where we're headed as a church family
What we Believe at Grace City
What we believe at Grace City about Jesus, the Bible, and the Church